101fundraising scholarship to IFC 2017

We wanted to take a moment to thank those of you who so generously have donated funds to 101fundraising over the years. We’ve been entrusted with that cash and have come up with a cool way to use it!
You know that The Resource Alliance is the curator of the IFC, which takes place each October in the Netherlands. We know you know … because we see many of you there! What we decided to do is use the donated funds to award the first ever “101scholarship” to IFC 2017.
The Resource Alliance exists to give fundraisers and others in the social impact sector the tools they need to create lasting, positive change in the world. Each year, we choose a handful of fundraisers who might not otherwise be able to afford to attend and award them full scholarships to the IFC. Each award covers registration, accommodation, food and travel.
Scholars are assigned mentors prior to the IFC to help them create their own personalised programme, and support them during the conference and for 12 months afterwards, including monthly phone calls to discuss issues and offer encouragement. In return for their allotments, scholars are asked to hold learning forums back home after the IFC to continue the sharing of new ideas that took root during the conference.
When we took over 101fundraising, there was some donated money in the coffers. It’s not enough yet to fund a scholarship so, yes, you’ll be hearing from us in the near future. (Come on, we’re all fundraisers here, right? You must have known where we were going with this.) We’ll also let you know when the nomination process is open.
The scholarship programme helps not only the individual recipients at the time of the conference, but the impact echoes out to their peers and the communities they’ll serve throughout their careers.
We hope you’ll be excited to help us send some promising and talented fundraisers to the IFC, providing them with a full roster of training, networking and stimulating debate that will impact their work for decades to come. Stay tuned!
Rewati Dhakal · January 16, 2017 at 13:24
Dear Sir/Madam,
Greetings from Nepal! I am motivated to apply for the scholarship offered by your organization.
I am struggling to endure my non profit mission in Nepal through effective resource mobilization. I am keen to learn and network new fundraising skills.
Therefore, please suggest me a further procedure of application. I assure you that I can materialize the learning and network made during the IFC.
I hope to hear a positive note from you.
Best Regards
Rewati Raman Dhakal
Meg Gardner · January 16, 2017 at 13:32
Hi, Rewati. Thanks for responding. Stay tuned. More details about the nomination process to come!
Rewati · February 6, 2017 at 07:28
Hi Meg, its great to hear from you! I will be in loop.
Best Regards